Sunday 14 January 2018

It's Over

The trip is done, the flights are over and the money's spent. All that's left to do is several loads of washing, read my Board papers for Tuesday night's meeting and turn up for work and forget it ever happened. 

I truly love the U.S. of A. It is a great place to visit and there are many places I could easily live. It is such a diverse place, there really is something for everyone. Having said that there's no place like home and it will be a good thing to sleep in my own bed for the first time in 52 nights. I won't have to pack my bags, load up the car and head off for anywhere tomorrow. At least that's what I'm telling myself. 

Here's the edited highlights of things that were amazing, things I would do differently, and things that truly sucked along with a few things in between.

I clocked up 6,000 miles in the mighty Chevy Cruze, thats nearly 9,600 kilometres. It cost about $20.00US to fill the tank. I filled it (I think) 25 times so that's about $700AUD. Half price petrol, what's not to love?

Avoiding Hurricane Joaquin was important (who am I kidding I didn't avoid anything, it had mostly petered out by the time it reached the US). It killed 34 people in the Bahamas, blacked out 15,000 premises and left a $200,000,000.00US damage bill in its wake. It made for some miserable travel between South Carolina and Washington. I was extremely fortunate that I wasn't seriously caught up in it.

I would also definitely rent a bigger car. I do have to say one thing however. I know people who own sports cars, powerful trucks and exotic European tourers. I often hear them debate which car is the best. I can now without any doubt conclude that debate. The best performance is a rental car. It can do everything your top of the class car can do in each and every vehicle category. It goes quicker than anything you've driven, it brakes better, it goes round corners on two wheels with ease, handles off road surfaces like sand, rock and water with complete aplomb and best of all when you're done with it you just give it back.

Playing MLK's piano at the 2nd Black Baptist Church of Montgomery Alabama was both powerful and humbling. It is an experience I will never forget.

Some places like Key West you just do because you can, and still you have the most amazing time.

There were not too many things to complain about. Of all the things that could have annoyed me the one that sticks in my mind was the tour guide at Gettysburg. He was an overblown pompous arse. I hope he gets laryngitis and loses the ability to make dull and boring what should have been exciting and stimulating.

There were nineteen states, thirty two different hotels rooms and a hangover from each and every one of them. Seven weeks was not nearly enough but nor was my bank balance. I love the country and I love the people. When they are not getting their gun on, being attacked by terrorists or having horrific weather events the USA really is a great place to be. I'm truly going to miss it.

Well that it's for now. I think I have one more epic adventure left in me who nows its either Africa, Asia or Europe. Then its off to the retirement home, at least I've had some practice.

Note: The bulk of this post was written in October 2015 and it is only just now (January 2018)  that I realised it had not been posted. Ever late and ever the completionist.