Wednesday 2 September 2015

The Journey Begins

After months of planning (well I purchased a ticket in April then promptly forgot about it) I am on my way. The Club has a new President, the Administration Manager is acting General Manager, the plants are all watered and I put down the dog (only joking). In true State Rail style, or whatever its now called, I was delivered a train ten minutes late and Jonathon Collins, with whom I've entrusted with my car, begins his 4WD odyssey to Ayers Rock, or so he tells me (don't forget to have it serviced Jonno).

My last entry was some time in July 2012. I had just buried my mother and missed out on the job I now have. Back then it was time to clear my head. This time its time to take a break. The world is unpredictable it seems.

Tomorrow at 1.00pm I board a flight to Dallas Texas. After flying for 15 hours and 45 minutes I land three quarters of an hour after taking off. You know it makes sense. Then three days later I pick up a car and start my American adventure. I've been to the US before, doing the traditional Disneyland, Universal Studios and Hawaiin Island tourist traps. This time will be a little different.

But before all of that I have one last night in Sydney, my old stomping ground. I have absolutely nothing planned. I am just going to wander around and soak up the ambience and pretend I still live there.

Thats about it for now. When I penned my last blog I did so with a contemporaneous "voice", chronicling the world as I lived in it then. Much has since changed, not so much with the world but where I sit in it. I await with interest to hear my new "voice" and trust its not too dull.


  1. Do you have enough clean socks and underwear?
    Don't forget to brush your teeth and to use toilet covers.
    Mind your manners and liver, and for heaven's sake have and good time - and smile.

  2. Have A good time - a....a.....a. (Blinking auto correct)

  3. My liver will be fine, it has had extensive training.

    BTW what's underwear?

  4. Oh that's right, you use socks for dual purposes.
    ^^^ nothing in my noggin.

  5. Have a great trip!!
    Bring me back something

  6. Have a great trip!!
    Bring me back something

    1. I would suggest something inappropriate but Laura may read this.

    2. Arlen wont want you to bring back any type of crusty rash.. he means more a token gift.. just saying!..
